God's Spirit is alive and well here at Family of Christ
COME WORSHIP WITH THOSE WHO LOVE YOU! Church Fellowship is Sunday at 10:30 AM We are all about Jesus!
From the Secretary's Desk
Happy New Year
There is a saying that goes "No good deed goes unpunished". Unfortunately this was something that was experienced by some well meaning members of our congregation. In wanting to send Happy New Year blessings to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, a mass text was sent out. Many people responded with blessings in return. This is where the good deed eventually met with someone, not from our congregation, less than appreciative of the message. I'm not sure if their number was meant to be included or if perhaps a finger hit a wrong number in sending that text to them. I will not be repeating what their response was but let's just say they used what I refer to as "sentence enhancers". To put it mildly, they voiced their displeasure in receiving the texts and demanded to be left alone. So how can this all relate to something that happened on the steps of the home of Pontius Pilate? For 33 years, Jesus walked among us, doing many "good deeds" (miracles), spreading the message of joy, and praying blessings upon all. Many, including the Sadducees and Pharisees, voiced their displeasure in the saving work that Jesus had been born to do. They demanded He leave them be- some even throwing stones and planning His downfall and death. Did this stop Jesus from walking the road His Father set before Him? No. It lead Him to Pilate, not only to be beaten but also to those gathered in the crowds, shouting their displeasure in Him, being a bother to their ways of believing, thinking or living, wanting Him to leave them alone. They were so displeased that they actually chose Jesus to be crucified and Barabas, a murderer, to be set free. Jesus had a response to all of this..."Father forgive them, They know not what they do." And that was basically the response sent to this angry person. That FOC forgave them and would be praying for them....and we will. As followers of Christ, we understand how this world can cause us to lose hope, peace, joy and love. We also understand that all of these things are found in the baby, laying in a manger, our Savior. So as this New Year is beginning, we here at Family of Christ will be praying that you have a Happy New Year filled with the blessings of hope, peace, joy and love found in Jesus Christ.
Galatians 5:22-23: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law"